The Iyer Report: AZ Legislature Weekly Update Read it! Print it! Make notes! Do it NOW! I know, there’are so many things to do. But even with just 10 minutes each day, you can make a really important difference! Here’s a preview from the Iyer Report. Keep this link handy since you can go back to it during the week for updates!
Our #1 Priority today: Last Thursday night, the AZ House passed a package of bills that would make sweeping changes to the Arizona Constitution’s citizen initiative process, NOT to the benefit of voters. CONTACT the Senate Judiciary Committee chair, Judy Urges (R-22) at or 602-926-5861 and urge her NOT to assign the bills HCR2002, 2007, 2320, 2404 and 2029 for a hearing.
Other URGENT Alerts include action on AZ bills regarding #2 Health & Reproductive rights, #3 Defending our Constitution from a Koch brothers push for an Article V convention where our US constitution could be re-written, and #4 Supporting Common-sense Gun Laws. See the Iyer Report for what to do!
* If you have not yet setup an account with AZ Request to Speak, email Mickey for help.
One More Thing! We’ve been forwarded an email from the Arizona Heritage Alliance alerting us to HB2369 which would eliminate the State Parks Board which provides a citizens’ oversight of our parks. It’s passed the AZ House, but hasn’t yet been put on the Senate Government Committee agenda. HB2369 is opposed by the Alliance as well as Sierra Club and other groups. They’re asking that we sign on to their open letter that will be sent to the Governor and Senate soon. Sign on here and scroll to the bottom to add your name.
If you live in Phoenix City Council district 3, we encourage you to vote for Deb Stark who is in a run-off election against extreme right-wing Chris DeRose on March 14! You can even canvas this one last Saturday for her. Supporters will be meeting up in the Safeway parking lot at 7th Street and Thunderbird at 9 am to distribute door hangars with a group of 2-4 others. Deb has dedicated her life to public service, worked closely with Mayor Greg Stanton on many issues, and is by far the best candidate. And if you have a mail-in ballot, please mark it and send it in!
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