You can use these letters as a starting point for writing your own letters to your Members of Congress (MOC), to write an email or as a script for making a phone call.
Feel free to change copy, change and adapt them as much or as little as you like.
The text of each letter is in black while the date, address and signature are in red. You can open a letter, fill in the red parts and have a complete letter ready to go. Or you can personalize the letter to reflect your own views and opinions.
Congressional Contact Information
Consumer Protection, Freedom and Safety
Human Rights
- CBO Judgment on Senate Healthcare Bill
- No on Republican Senate Health Bill
- CBO Conclusions on AHCA
- Fix ACA, Don’t Repeal
- Don’t Gut Medicare or Medicaid
- Vote No on Latest AHCA
- Fix, Not Repeal and Replace, the ACA
- Protect Social Safety Net
Federal Budget
Public Safety
- No on silencers and reciprocal concealed carry
- When should we talk about gun control
- Support Common Sense Gun Laws
Integrity of the Office of President of the United States of America
- Presidential Tax Transparency Act
- Independent Counsel to Investigate Trump-Russia ties
- Stop Trump’s Conflicts of Interest