New OPEN Facebook Page! Activate Family, Friends…

Have You Joined Our New OPEN Facebook group yet?

DO IT – and Help Activate 158,000 friends in Phoenix

Whether or not you’re one of our  Closed Facebook members, please hit the Join Us button below to  join our NEW OPEN group!

Just click on this link: JOIN Desert Progressives Indivisible OPEN Facebook Group

Feel free to POST and add your friends! Recruit your family, coworkers to Join and Stand. They’ll feel better.


Why an OPEN page? We learned that when just 3.5% of people get activated, a movement becomes UNSTOPPABLE.  This has been true of about every movement in the last hundred years.

Think about it. 3.5% is just 158,000 people in Phoenix! Approximately 60,000 people showed up for the Red for Ed march. Thousands and thousands, though undoubtedly with overlapping sets of people, have Marched for Our Lives, Marched for Science, Marched for Women, …

Making our Facebook page public was one great idea of many we brainstormed during our May 2018 Members Meeting on how to activate more people, get them feeling better, show them how to turn their anger into productive, sparkling energy, i.e. progress.

Our new OPEN public page allows our friends to join in – as well as provide easy access to our events.

URGENT #NotMyPresident SPECIAL EDITION: August 16, 2017

As you may have heard, Trump is holding a campaign(?) rally at the Phoenix Convention Center this Tuesday, August 22. So, we’re MOVING our previously scheduled Desert Progressives “meeting” to the Phoenix Convention Center. We strongly urge you to bring your protest signs and join us to stand together against racism, xenophobia and hate.

For more see This Special Alert.

Sign up for our mailing list.


Calling ALL Activists! Kevin Patterson is running for the Phoenix City Council this month against our own local version of Trump. And while most of us can’t vote in this month’s Phoenix District 6 election, WE CAN DEFINITELY HELP ELECT KEVIN PATTERSON.

Join us this Thursday, August 10, anytime between 4-8 pm for an hour or two of phone banking. We’ll be calling other Democrats in City Council District 6, asking them to mark their ballots for Kevin and send them in now!

For more see DO THIS ONE THING SPECIAL EDITION: August 8, 2017.

Sign up for our mailing list.

National Action: Week of 3/12/17


THIS WEEK’S #1 PRIORITY: Support the ACA and oppose the new ACHA.

Find out where your MoCs (members of Congress) stand on the new ACHA here. Find out how to contact them here.

Script: Hi! I’m from _ZIP_ and calling about two issues related to health care. First, I oppose repealing the ACA. For me, losing the ACA would mean (share a personal story: can’t afford premiums waiting for tax credit, want abortion coverage, want maternity leave without being married, lifetime caps would cause personal bankruptcy, etc.). Americans deserve the same plan Congress receives. Secondly, HR 1215 intends to strip patient rights and protect corporations from lawsuits for medical neglect, abuse, and malpractice. Patients rights need to come first. Please ask _MoC_ to oppose the ACHA bill and vote against HR 1215.

We’d like to hear back from you. After taking action, please go to our DP Facebook page and comment under the Oppose the new ACHA post to let us know how it went.

And be sure to check out Jen Hofmann’s Checklist for Americans of Conscience for more important actions.

Arizona Action: Week of 3/12/17


THIS WEEK’s #1 PRIORITY: Protect Public Education!

Voucher bills SB1431 and HB2394 may come up for a vote this week. All it takes is two floor votes for this to be all over, so continue to contact legislators with your opposition, especially Senator Bob Worsley (and especially if you live in LD25) He’s at or 602-926-5760. Talking points: Thank him(!) for his continued support of public schools. Ask him to fund public schools, keep taxpayer money away from private/religious schools, etc. A big selling point for him is music/arts education, so make a connection between the slashing of our public arts ed $ and the siphoning of our funds towards private institutions. (See Iyer’s Urgent Alert #1 for others to contact on this, too.)

We’d like to hear back from you. After taking action, please go to our DP Facebook page and comment on the Protect Public Education post to let us know what kind of response you got.

AND be sure to check out The Iyer Report, for more important action needed this week.

* If you have not yet setup an account with AZ Request to Speak, email Mickey for help.